Logging Components

The ZConfig.components.logger package provides configuration support for the logging package in Python’s standard library. This component can be imported using:

<import package="ZConfig.components.logger"/>

This component defines two abstract types and several concrete section types. These can be imported as a unit, as above, or as four smaller components usable in creating alternate logging packages.

The first of the four smaller components contains the abstract types, and can be imported using:

<import package="ZConfig.components.logger" file="abstract.xml"/>

The two abstract types imported by this are:

Logger objects are represented by this abstract type.
Each logger object can have one or more “handlers” associated with them. These handlers are responsible for writing logging events to some form of output stream using appropriate formatting. The output stream may be a file on a disk, a socket communicating with a server on another system, or a series of syslog messages. Section types which implement this type represent these handlers.

The second and third of the smaller components provides section types that act as factories for logging.Logger objects. These can be imported using:

<import package="ZConfig.components.logger" file="eventlog.xml"/>
<import package="ZConfig.components.logger" file="logger.xml"/>

The types defined in these components implement the ZConfig.logger.log abstract type. The ‘eventlog.xml’ component defines an eventlog type which represents the root logger from the the logging package (the return value of logging.getLogger()), while the ‘logger.xml’ component defines a logger section type which represents a named logger.

The third of the smaller components provides section types that are factories for logging.Handler objects. This can be imported using:

<import package="ZConfig.components.logger" file="handlers.xml"/>

The types defined in this component implement the ZConfig.logger.handler abstract type.

The configuration objects provided by both the logger and handler types are factories for the finished loggers and handlers. These factories should be called with no arguments to retrieve the logger or log handler objects. Calling the factories repeatedly will cause the same objects to be returned each time, so it’s safe to simply call them to retrieve the objects.

The factories for the logger objects, whether the eventlog or logger section type is used, provide a reopen() method which may be called to close any log files and re-open them. This is useful when using a UNIX signal to effect log file rotation: the signal handler can call this method, and not have to worry about what handlers have been registered for the logger. There is also a function in the ZConfig.components.logger.loghandler module that re-opens all open log files created using ZConfig configuration:


Closes and re-opens all the log files held open by handlers created by the factories for logfile sections. This is intended to help support log rotation for applications.

Using The Logging Components

Building an application that uses the logging components is fairly straightforward. The schema needs to import the relevant components and declare their use:

  <import package="ZConfig.components.logger" file="eventlog.xml"/>
  <import package="ZConfig.components.logger" file="handlers.xml"/>

  <section type="eventlog" name="*" attribute="eventlog"

In the application, the schema and configuration file should be loaded normally. Once the configuration object is available, the logger factory should be called to configure Python’s logging package:

import os
import ZConfig

def run(configfile):
  schemafile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "schema.xml")
  schema = ZConfig.loadSchema(schemafile)
  config, handlers = ZConfig.loadConfig(schema, configfile)

  # configure the logging package:

  # now do interesting things

An example configuration file for this application may look like this:

  level  info

    path        /var/log/myapp
    format      %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s
    # locale-specific date/time representation
    dateformat  %c

    level    error
    address  syslog.example.net:514
    format   %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s

Refer to the logging.LogRecord documentation for the names available in the message format strings (the format key in the log handlers). The date format strings (the dateformat key in the log handlers) are the same as those accepted by the time.strftime() function.

Configuring The Logging Components

For reference documentation on the available handlers, see Log Handlers.